面对自己 发表于 2008-3-9 09:00:11

我是学生,我现在的思维好象停止不前了,我不准备让它在思考了,因为现在我怕自己会喜欢同性的女生,我觉得自己好愚蠢,所以我就强迫自己,一但我觉得我欣赏同性了,我就告诉自己我要完蛋了,所以我开始 沮丧,开始心理难受,开始时我就是有害怕自己是同性恋的想法,所以我就排斥我不是同性恋,但越排斥就越网里陷,现在我竟然害怕自己真会在网里陷,在陷我就真的活不下去了。我现在不敢面对同性同学,我怕看到她们后我会喜欢她们,总是这样给自己网牢狱里陷,还有只要是不好的我都会给自己对号入坐,怎么半我真想掐死自己!请老师们帮帮我吧!谢谢

心语心理 发表于 2008-3-23 14:44:32


心语心理 发表于 2008-4-25 14:42:40

发表于:2008年4月8日 10时35分38秒阅读(122)评论(2)本文链接:http://user.qzone.qq.com/362890071/blog/1207622138

1.The world is full of people making a good living but poor lives.
---这句话所说的意思是快乐和富足的关系。That it\'s easy to get rich, but not that easy to feel happy.

2.Death is not a period,but a comma,in the story of life.
---讲的是人生的意义会在死后继续对世界产生作用。Death doesn\'t stops the value you delivered to the world and the people. Think about Brothers Right, Henry Ford, or Thomas Edison.

3.Believe that life is worth living,and your belief will help create the fact.
---讲的是“好好活着,做有意义的事”,呵呵,基本是许三多的台词。Be good to yourself and other people, stick to your belief and dream, and your life will be good.

4.It has been said that life is a game-but how can we play it if we don\'t know where the goalposts are?
---讲的是人生的目标和奋斗的关系。It\'s necessary firstly have a target of your life, then could you really start working and finally possibly really pursue the happiness.

5.Some people treat life like a slot machine-putting in as little as possible while hoping for the jackpot
---讲的是付出和所得的关系。If you give little, but wishes a lot, then you are a gambler.

6.A long life is a gift of god;a full and fruitful life is your own doing.
---讲的是生命的质量。You create the your life\'s value yourself.

7.After all,life is really simeple;we ourselves create the circumstances that complicate it.
---讲的是生命的本质。We do a lot of things to make our life better, but the life it self is really simple.

8.The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man white he lives.
---我怀疑这句话是从中文翻过去的,呵呵。The heart leads a man to pursue and enjoy the happiness. How can he be happy without a live heart?

9.People who are afraid of death are usually afraid of life.
---讲的是人生要有积极的态度。Be brave, man!

10.We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give.
---讲的是付出和索取的关系。The more people we serve, the better our lives are
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